الجمعة، 28 أغسطس 2015

هذه احبها و هذه اتزوجها


كل اللى اتجوز اللى حبها يرفع ايده ... وله بلاش احراج... ها ايه رايكم؟؟؟
بس المشكلة انه ما فيش مفر من الاحراج و الدخول فى الموضوع و الكلام عنه على امل اننا نوصل لحل بدل ما الواحد ها يتجنن

قبل ما نوصل لموضوع الجنان و اقول ليه انا بعانى من حالة استغراب شديد
الموضوع ببساطة و على رائ اشرف عبد الباقى فى فيلم حب البنات "هو بغباوتة الحب" و السؤال ببساطة هو كل الناس بتتجوز اللى بتحبهم؟؟ طبعا فى حد بيبصلى بستغراب و يقول فى سره "عبيطة دى" ما هى معروفة "لا طبعا" ناس غربية بتسال اسئلة معرف الاجابة عنها
و اكيد حد تانى ها يسال يمكن بشوية نرفزة لما الاجابة معروفه ليه السؤال ،، و ليه الاستغراب و الجنان أصلا

الاستغراب مصدره مش السؤال بس،، لكن الموقف اللى بيحصل و بيتكرر
نلاقى شاب يعجب بفتاه و يبدا الكلام و يتعرفوا على بعض و يقولها "بحبك" و بس تبدا قصة الحب الوردية،، و بعد شوية اللون الوردى يخلص و ندخل فى مرحلة الكوابيس "انا ما اقدرش اتجوزك، ماما و اهلى بيتضغطوا عليه على شان اتجوز واحدة قريبتى" انا اسف حبيبتى

ملحوظة: احد الاسباب الرئيسة للتزويغ من الجوازة انه شايف انها طالما كلمتة تبقى اكيد كلمت قبلية شباب كتيرررررر و هو يفضل ان يرتبط بقريبتة القطة المغمضة التى لم تظهر عليها اى علامة من علامات الحب

لحد هنا و عادى و بتحصل و كتيرررر كمان فى حياتنا
طبعا ها ترجعوا تسالونى اومال مستغربه ليه؟؟؟
على شان اللى مش عادى

عارفين ايه ؟؟ الندم اللى بيلاحق الشاب و انه فجأة يدرك انه فعلا حب البنت و انه مش قادر يعيش من غيرها لانها البنت اللى حلم بيها و فيها كل المواصفات اللى عايزها  بيفتكر فجاة انها  مرحة، و بتفهمه، و شاطرة، و ... الى آخره - و كلام فى سركوا العروس مش دائما بتطلع بالبرأة اللى تخيلها- و طبعا دا بيزود الطين بله و قد يدفعه للانفصال
او الاسوأ انه يحاول يحتفظ بالعلاقة مع الطرف الاخر تحت مسى "اصدقاء" على شان مش قادر يبعد و لكم ا ان تتخيلوا النظره على وشة لما يبص لمراته و هو مدرك انها مش فتاه احلامه بس ست عادية مش قادر يتواصل ويقيم حوار معاها

و النظرة الاسوأ لما فتاه الاحلام الضائعة يتقدملها حد و تبدا فى التجهيز للفرح و ليكوا ان تتخيلو الموقف

طب ما كان من الاول وله احنا لازم الحاجة تضيع منا فعليا على شان ندرك قيمتها؟
الحقيقة الموقف ده اتكرر قدامى كتير و مش لاقية تفسير و نفسى حد يجاوبنى
يعنى مثلا ممكن يكون التفسير انه ما اتجوزهاش على شان هو مش واثق من تصرفتها،، أو لانة مش واثق من اختياره فا بيخلى الاهل اضمن يختاروا؟؟
وله من البداية هو حب يعمل الشاب الفتك اللى مقطع السمكة و ديلها و يعرف دى و يقنع دى بحبه و دى يقضى معاها الفلانتين لانها مش ها تطلب منه هدية و يمكن هية اللى تجيب -عببيطة و دابيه فى حيه- و يمكن تعزمه ، من غير ما يتصور لحظة و احدة انه فى وسط الزحمة دى ضيع الانساسنة الوحيدة اللى حبته بصدق و حبها هو من غير ما يحس ؟؟

حد عنده تفسير ؟؟؟

الاثنين، 19 مارس 2012

5 Ways to Heal from a Broken Heart - By Pamela Vandervoort


When you suffer from a broken heart it feels like your world is coming to an end. The pain can be unbearable. It is hard to sleep, eat or concentrate. You wonder if you will be able to feel good or happy ever again.
It can be especially devastating when a relationship you really care about ends unexpectedly. You can't help remembering all love you shared and your dream of happily ever after, sharing a life together. It is devastating to think that someone you loved was able to leave it all behind so easily while you are left wondering what happened. How could he/she just walk away like that?
This can really take toll, especially if the one you love ended up with someone else. It is hard not to wonder if you lost your chance for love. You may worry that you won't find someone else you loved that much again.
And you want to find love, but you are not sure you can open yourself up to that kind of hurt ever again!
The good news is, you can and will heal from this broken heart. And as a result of this healing, you will find a love BETTER than you could imagine in your wildest dreams.
Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears,
for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth,
overlying our hard hearts.
~Charles Dickens, Great Expectations, 1860
Shelly fell in love with a married man. She did not mean for it to happen. He was smart, successful interesting, and totally sexy. They had a great time together and he wined and dined her. She was not looking for anything serious so why not?
Well before she knew it months turned into years. And by this time she had become attached. Finally she was able to let go of the relationship, but she felt she had wasted valuable years of her life.
Holly was in a relationship with a man for 5 years. They were engaged to be married but he was reluctant to set a date. Every time she would bring it up he would make an excuse about money, or that it was a bad time in his life right now etc. He would say, lets discuss it next year.
One day Holly came home to find him gone. He had met another woman, she was pregnant and they were getting married right away. She felt she could never recover from that kind of betrayal.
So how do you recover from this kind of heartbreak?

How do you trust again?
Almost everyone has suffered crushing heartbreak at least one time in their life. Some people are able to recover and move on to find love while others get stuck in their pain and see unable to move past it.
Here are the 5 ways to let go of heartbreak.
1. Mourn Your Loss Completely.
Allow yourself to cry, feel sad and experience your loss. Most people who are stuck in heart ache deny their feelings of loss and sadness and never properly grieve.
2. Be Nice to Yourself.
Comfort yourself during this time of loss. You have been through a difficult time and need loving care. Thinking negative and demeaning thoughts about yourself will only add to your hurt and pain.
3. Take Inventory.
After you have done your grieving take a good hard look at the relationship. Assess what things in the relationship worked and what did not work for you.
4. Forgiveness. Write a list of all the things you feel your ex did to you and all the things you angry at him about. Then write down any things you may be angry at yourself about. Burn the paper with the intention to let go of past resentments so you can move on.
5. Write Your True Love.
Write a love letter to your true love. Picture yourself happy loved and fulfilled in the relationship. Imagine yourself giving it to him. Keep the letter by your beside and remind yourself that true love is coming.